If You Want 2015 To Be Better – Start Here
As we approach the end of another year that has flown by our thoughts inexorably drift to next year and if our business will be better than it has been this year. We ask questions like…what worked this year? What didn’t? What caused me to lose sleep? What caused most stress? Did I achieve what I wanted and if I didn’t what did I miss and why? What will next year be like?
And when you do think about next year you naturally think about the things you can do to make it better. What can I do to…
- Attract more customers?
- Attract fewer higher paying customers?
- Hold on to them?
- Have less problems land on my desk?
- Increase revenue and profit?
We all do this…its human nature to think about how to solve something with actions – do this and that will be better. But whatever these things are they are unlikely to work because it’s not the place to start… Continue reading →